The mission of the North Pond Association is to advocate for the stewardship of the natural environment of North Pond and Little Pond ensuring its sustainability for future generations.
The North Pond Association (NPA) was formed in 1985 to construct a dam on Great Meadow Stream that would allow better management of the level of water in the lake. It is made up of dues paying members, 13 of those being volunteer directors. The association's responsibilities have grown to include testing the lake water, marking hazards and providing funding for courtesy boat inspections to prevent the introduction of invasive plant species like milfoil into our beautiful lake. We hold our annual meeting each year in August where anyone interested in our lake is encouraged to attend. Our mission is to educate the public on the responsible use of the lake. In 2005 NPA became a 501c3 organization. This means that your donation is fully tax deductible.
If you are not already a member, please join now by visiting our Membership page.